We are working collaboratively with other local organisations to provide clear information about a range of health-related services available in the area, as well as providing national resources to enable you to learn more about your diagnosis.
What is a Primary Care Network?
Primary Care Networks are groups of GP practices working closely together – along with other healthcare staff and organisations – providing integrated services to the local population.
From the 1st of July 2019, all patients in England are covered by a Primary Care Network (PCN). A PCN is made up of neighbouring GP Practices who have decided to work together to provide and improve healthcare services in the local area. The video to the left details what a Primary Care Network (PCN) has been designed to achieve.
South Blaby & Lutterworth PCN is a network of practices covering parts of Blaby, Countesthorpe and Lutterworth. The PCN consist of 5 GP practices in South Leicestershire who are working collaboratively with other local organisations to provide clear information about a range of health-related services available in the area, as well as providing national resources to enable you to learn more about your diagnosis.
The video on the right details what a Primary Care Network has been designed to achieve.
This website aims to help you find reliable information and services which can help you get the support that is relevant to you. We aim to build this information source over time.
If you are looking for specific information about your practice, you may still need to visit their website. We have tried to include information and FAQs relevant to all 5 practices on our website, but you may find more information on your practice website.
PCN Roles | South Blaby & Lutterworth PCN
Expanding our workforce
The needs of our communities, in particular in areas where there are health inequalities, are greater than ever before. Our population is being impacted more and more by complex, long term conditions. There is a growing concern about areas of longstanding unmet health need and the social determinants of health are playing a bigger role than ever before. These new challenges are increasing the pressure on the system to deliver for those in our communities and there is more that we can do to shift our focus from treating those who are unwell to preventing ill health and tackling health inequalities.
The creation of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) builds on the core of current primary care services and enables a greater provision of proactive, personalised and more integrated health and social care. To support PCNs, the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) provides funding for 26,000 additional roles to create bespoke multi-disciplinary teams. Primary Care Networks assess the needs of their local population and, working with local community services, make support available to people where it is most needed.
Find out more on each of the ARRS roles provided through South Blaby & Lutterworth PCN below.
Clinical Pharmacists
Pharmacy Technicians
First Contact Physiotherapists
Physicians Associates
Nursing Associates and Trainee Nurse Associates
Social Prescribing Link Workers
Social prescribing enables patients referred by general practice, pharmacies, multi-disciplinary teams, hospital discharge teams, allied health professionals, fire service, police, job centres, social care services, housing associations and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations get the right care for them.
Link workers typically work with people over 6-12 contacts (including phone calls and face to face meetings) over a three-month period with a typical caseload of up to 250 people, depending on the complexity of people’s needs.
Click here for more information on Social Prescribing
Care Co-ordinators
Mental Health Practitioner
Mental Health
South Blaby & Lutterworth Primary Care Network is pleased to be able to offer a Mental Health Practitioner (MHP) service to the patients registered to one of our five network practices. We aim to build on the work our MHP is providing and look to increase the offer in the future.
Our MHP works across all five of the network practices and we would like to provide you with some information as to how this service may be able to support you. We have also included some useful links to other services available.
Who are Mental Health Practitioners (MHPs) and how can they help?
The MHP is a mental health professional who works within GP practices. They offer assessment and provide guidance and signposting for adults who are experiencing mental health difficulties.
The aim is to ensure that people who may be struggling with a change/deterioration in their mental health, receive a prompt, specialist mental health assessment. This is carried out locally within your own GP surgery. MHPs also provide guidance to learn how to self-manage difficulties or signpost/refer to appropriate support.
Who is this service for?
The service is available to anyone aged 18 years and older with a mental health concern who are not currently receiving treatment from NHS mental health services or are looking to step down from mental health services.
How can I make an appointment with the MHP at my GP surgery?
Please contact your surgery and ask how you can make an appointment with your MHP as appointments are offered on particular days depending on your registered surgery.
What can I expect from the MHP?
You will be offered an appointment with your MHP. It is preferred that this is face to face but we understand this is not always possible and alternative arrangements can be made.
At your appointment the MHP will assess your mental health needs. This appointment can last up to 30 minutes.
What next?
Following assessment, your MHP will offer appropriate further support. This can range from:
- Signposting/referral to potentially useful online/self-help resources.
- Referral or signpost to the most appropriate service, such as: NHS Adult Community Mental Health Services or a relevant third sector or voluntary organisation.
- The MHP may ask you to return for a review appointment. This will be to further assess your needs and help you to manage your difficulties more effectively.
Should you wish to contact your allocated MHP between your appointments, please contact your GP surgery and leave a message.
Other sources of help
Leicester Partnership NHS Trust
Leicester Partnership NHS Trust also have a 24/7 Mental Health Centralised Access Point who can be contacted on 0808 800 3302.
They accept self-referrals. Your relatives and GP can also make referrals on your behalf if there are urgent concerns about your mental health.
Samaritans can be contacted 24/7 – Tel: 116 123.
Social services
Social services are available to help with social support.
They can be contacted on the following numbers:
- Leicester City Social Services – 0116 454 1004
- Leicestershire County Social Services – 0116 305 0004
- Rutland County Social Services – 01572 758 341
Outside of normal working hours, the emergency duty team for both Leicester City and Leicestershire County social services is available on – 0116 255 1606.
Non-urgent advice: Emergencies
Social Prescribing
Social Prescribing connects people to community groups, activities and local services for practical and emotional support, information, and advice.
Social Prescribers give people time to focus on what matters to them and support you by looking at non-medical factors that are having an impact on your health and wellbeing, such as loneliness, isolation, financial concerns, housing issues, exercise/weight loss and life events (such as bereavement). They will listen to you and your circumstances and work together to find activities, organisations and opportunities that allow you to take control and improve your situation. These can include:
- Social activities or groups
- Learning a new skill or finding a new hobby
- Help to cope with long-term conditions by getting involved with community activities
- Finding advice and support with practical problems such as housing, benefits, or finances
- Exploring volunteering or employment options
- Being linked up to befriending schemes or support groups
- Trying out activities that help improve physical and mental wellbeing, such as Community Gardens
The Social Prescribing service is available at all five of the network practices and is available to any registered patient aged 18 or over. You can be referred by your GP, nurse, a member of admin staff or you can refer yourself by contacting your practice reception. It can work for a wide range of people, including those:
- With one or more long-term health condition(s)
- Who need support with their mental health
- Who are lonely or isolated
- Who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing
Your Social Prescriber will initially get in contact with you by telephone to arrange an appointment and will work with you at your own pace, usually up to 6 sessions.